Saturday, April 17, 2004

New Hero for Old Europe

Fabrizio Quattrocchi, the Italian hostage executed in Iraq, tried to tear off his hood seconds before he was shot dead and shouted, "Now I'll show you how an Italian dies."

"Vi faccio vedere come muore un italiano"

You can email their embassy here at:

Here's what I sent today.


I have been reading about the last moments, in Iraq, of your brave countryman Fabrizio Quattrocchi. I wanted to send you my conolences over his death, and my appreciation for his life. I hope this attempt at translation comes near what I mean to say:

Mi dispiace molto spezialmente per la familia del bravo signore. Questo uomo fino era il meglio d'Italia, ê il meglio d'Europa.

Moltisssimo grazia tutti amici Italiani.

Viva Italia.

Douglas Harper
Lancaster, Pa.